So you probably didn't know this but this is my fourth blog. How ridiculous right? You might ask WHY?? as the title suggests. Its because I have Life From the Sidelines where I get to pretend that I am the funniest thing that ever happened. I have Book Ends to talk all about my reading material. and I have chadmer where I post when I am feeling emotional or have some deep thought.
This is my post-when-and-what-ever-the-heck-I-feel-like blog.
It might be a failure as I don't post as often as I want. But sometimes I really want to say stuff that isn't book related, funny, or deep. This is where all that junk is gonna go.
Animating inanimate objects
I need a weekend
I really like lists
I think I'm all that
I'm so inpirational
Just unloaded into cyberspace
me complaining
Me vs. The Universe
Mondays X(
Nobody cares about this
Pop culture according to me
Rebecca Black
referancing Vampires in pop culture
The future is scary
things that wouldn't really happen
When things are perfect
whoa! that's a lot of blogs. Would provide links to them??