Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Lied. Houses are Nice.


I think I am in love! With my new potential home!! And this time it is not even an apartment, its a home. And homes are all loving and inviting and hug you when you walk in the door and offer you Ovaltine and cookies. That's the difference between an apartment and a house.

Its like I can see the ground of the abyss and there is a sunny patch with cute little flowers and bunnies and a pond with fish that are jumping merrily and there is a real live rainbow with a pot of gold and the air smells like apple pie and roses and has magical glitter in it that makes you breathe money. (Gosh, my analigies are brilliant)

Anyway thats my new (potential) house. Which I love with all my heart and I hope it will welcome me and make my life happy and harmonious.

The End

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