Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who Ordered the Cold??!?

Cold + Wind + Me =BAD!

The past few days decided to jump into a windy freezer, and all the rest of us have to suffer. I knew bad things were coming when it started to rain on my way to class yesterday. I wasn't wearing a coat for the first time in weeks because in had been warm weather for a long time. Foolish me.

Then the wind attacked like mad and I had to walk home without a coat. Today was even worse because I simply had to wear shorts. I'm not learning anything.

When I went out tonight I didn't want to wear a coat, so I walked around with a blanket. Its like I'm taunting mother nature; Yesterday I was all: 'Its not that cold! I don't even have to wear a coat!' And mother nature was all: 'Ok Imma make it even colder and windier!' And today I was all: 'Oh look I'm wearing shorts!' If this keeps up a natural disaster is looming in the very near future. At least I'll die wearing shorts.

So yeah. I think I was supposed to say something about my day. But I didn't. I felt like an idiot wandering the streets in a blanket. People probably looked at me even funnier than usual.

This is proabaly a waste of your time.

This was probably a waste of my time.


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