Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's Hot and What's Not: Everything You Need to Know

So I know pretty much all there is to know about pop culture. It's all run by this one guy who gets paid to determine which things are 'cool' and which are not. Then its everyone else's job to make whatever is 'cool' a big deal by talking it up and advertising it and stuff.

When I grow up I am going to be that guy, which is why I am hard at work studying pop culture by watching music videos on Youtube instead of doing my homework. Which is going to help me out most in the long run? Don't answer that.

SO anyway here's what I did for my faithful readers out there: I made you a list of what is 'in' and what is 'out' in pop culture.... and random other things I thought might be appropriate. I have divided this list into catagories to make it even more convienient. Aren't I the best blogger ever?

Also don't get all upset if you don't like my professional opinion. This list is shifting alllll the time. Your favs will be in in no time. Unless you have bad taste, which you might.

P.S. I started out thinking that this post was gonna be all funny and stuff, but then I realized that I am toatlly a genius and I made some really valid points. So yeah, this post is kindof a nothing. Anyway...

Here We Go!


Lady GaGa and Britney Spears just released their new singles at the exact same time. This has been the biggest controversy since Kanye West slammed Taylor Swift at the VMA. If you don't have an opinion get one. Preferably, get mine. Here's how its going down:
OUT- Lady GaGa's 'Born This Way'
Seriously GaGa? I'm a fan but this song was not even good.
IN- Britney Spears' 'Hold it Against Me'
I haven't been digging Spears lately, but this song totally rocks. Soo much better than Born this Way.

So in today's music world, everyone is totally looking for the nest big thing. Who's about to blow us all away with something totally new and cool?
OUT- Katy Perry.
Yeah she's great, but she has had her time. Her latest album will soon be old news. And then she will make a comeback. And then she will be old news again.
IN- Ke$ha.
Believe it. She is about to make a wicked comeback. You should start memorizing her songs because everyone is going to be all over them pretty soon. And you are going to look like an idiot when you say you haven't even seen her latest music video.


Speaking of music, music in TV has become all the rage or something.
OUT- Glee.
Glee was 'the next big thing' last season. Now they are struggling to keep audience interest. Not to mention that good music cannot justify the glorified high school drama all over the screen. I could do a whole section on who is out and who is in in the Glee cast, but it would be a waste of my time.
IN- American Idol  
Yup. Although it was totally out last season, there are all kinds of unique and crazy talented people this year that it is going to be awesome. There is definatley a very different and distinctinve tone this year that is going to revolutionize the music industry. So you better start watching right now.

OUT- Pretty much anything that won an Oscar
After 'Avatar' pretty much revolutionized the movie industry, people are still pretty unsure about what a 'good movie' is anymore. the Oscar people were totally confused and went with whatever was 'safe' and 'practical' instead of looking for the next big thing.
IN- The Classics
Nobody knows where the movie industry is going so decide for yourself. Get together with some friends who have Netflix and watch all those movies you've always heard about but never really seen. It will be way cool and a lot more satisfying than throwing yourself into a movie industry that is still defining itself.

Food and Drink:

K this one doesn't really have so much to do with pop culture, but it is always on my mind. Also my predictions about what is about to be cool are so right. People are starting to make subtle, healthy choices. Food isn't jut about feuling your body, its becoming an event to be enjoyed whether by yourself or with a slew of friends. Don't grab a pop tart on the go. Take some time out, Sit down, and enjoy your food. Cause thats what everyone eill be doing soon.
Out- Breakfast
Nobody really wants a bowl of cold cereal at seven in the morning.
IN- Brunch!
Think late breakfast with an elaborate menu. Way more appealing. Try fresh fruit, eggs, hashbrowns, toast, yogurt and granola.

OUT- Soda and energy drinks
These things are so bad for you, and unless you are trying to pull an all nighter, you don't need any of that stuff in your system. Plus I'm pretty sure most soda companies use animal testing which is totally cruel.
IN- Fruit Juices
Legit Fruit Juices include Naked, Snapple, and Simply Orange. These and other juice bottles will be in every celebs hand in the coming weeks.

OUT- Fast Food
I don't think I have to explain this one.
IN- Sit down resturants
You know, that little cafe on the corner or the Chinese place down the street. Try to avoid chains and instead go to those little resturants that make your city unique. you might be surprised how fun and tasty trying something new can be.

hey everyone I'm sorry that you probably hated this. I almost hated it. But eh, whatevs/ You can just play witht the fish in my fish tank and be happy.

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