Monday, March 28, 2011

I AM NOT AFRIAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

K so now that I have like seven followers I have a message for you:
I am not afraid of you.

I am not going to feel pressure everytime I post because I am wondering if I sound stupid or if you wish you had never started following this blog or if global warming is real and Al Gore actually deserved that Nobel prize. I am NOT freaking out and feeling insecure about things.

For Real.

Also I am not going to spend hours planning a blog post to just to entertain y'all. This blog is for me, so stop harassing me about how funny it is or how much you are entertained by it or how i better post something really good that makes you totally LOL or else I will get a suckerpunch to the self-esteem or how if i post by tuesday you will make me chocolate chip muffins. (Actually I am always open to good food so feel free to mention that last one.)

Um yeah. i'm so cool and not intimidated.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH When I first started my blogg I was like "I don't care who reads it, it's for me!" And then I got up to the 20 followers I have now and I'm all "Oh goodness. I hope they think I'm as witty as when I first started!"

    But just so you know... I think your blogg is so funny and if you don't keep being funny, we won't be friends. Just saying. :D <3
