Cold + Wind + Me =BAD!
The past few days decided to jump into a windy freezer, and all the rest of us have to suffer. I knew bad things were coming when it started to rain on my way to class yesterday. I wasn't wearing a coat for the first time in weeks because in had been warm weather for a long time. Foolish me.
Then the wind attacked like mad and I had to walk home without a coat. Today was even worse because I simply had to wear shorts. I'm not learning anything.
When I went out tonight I didn't want to wear a coat, so I walked around with a blanket. Its like I'm taunting mother nature; Yesterday I was all: 'Its not that cold! I don't even have to wear a coat!' And mother nature was all: 'Ok Imma make it even colder and windier!' And today I was all: 'Oh look I'm wearing shorts!' If this keeps up a natural disaster is looming in the very near future. At least I'll die wearing shorts.
So yeah. I think I was supposed to say something about my day. But I didn't. I felt like an idiot wandering the streets in a blanket. People probably looked at me even funnier than usual.
This is proabaly a waste of your time.
This was probably a waste of my time.
Animating inanimate objects
I need a weekend
I really like lists
I think I'm all that
I'm so inpirational
Just unloaded into cyberspace
me complaining
Me vs. The Universe
Mondays X(
Nobody cares about this
Pop culture according to me
Rebecca Black
referancing Vampires in pop culture
The future is scary
things that wouldn't really happen
When things are perfect
dying wearing shorts is cool