Thanks a lot weekend, I was all pumpped for you and then you got all mean and blew up on me and threw me in the acid rain with chunks of once-good-weekend all over my sad little body.
Yeah it was that bad.
I'M SICK!!! coughcoughGunkchoughHackchoughhghhgnkghgyj This weekend was gonna be bomb. But no. I got to work on Saturday and I was all 'hey work whats crackin?' and then my throat felt like it wanted to kill the rest of me and then my boss was all 'do you need to go home?' and I said 'NocoughcoughGunkI'm totallyHackcoughWheeze Fine. cough.
She made me go home anyway. So I was all 'fine I can still have fun. Ima facebook stalk people and watch funny videos on youtube.' but i fell asleep. ALL DAY.
Now I am all weak and sore-like and my body doesn't want to do stuff and I can't go to my uncles house for a rockin super bowl party. X( Not happy......
Animating inanimate objects
I need a weekend
I really like lists
I think I'm all that
I'm so inpirational
Just unloaded into cyberspace
me complaining
Me vs. The Universe
Mondays X(
Nobody cares about this
Pop culture according to me
Rebecca Black
referancing Vampires in pop culture
The future is scary
things that wouldn't really happen
When things are perfect
Aw Chad! I am sorry! That is no fun!!! GET BETTER!!!