Monday, April 4, 2011

Life would be SO much Easier if Homework Forgot to Exist

This statement is true. I would just have to go to class and maybe take tests. I mean really homework actually is just like a test except outside of class and not timed and you can cheat share answers and you can use notes. But other than that exactly the same.

So this is what my night would have looked like tonight if it weren't for homework:
Best Night EVER!

Yeah. Catcher in the Rye, Sobe, and Oreo cakesters (they are amazing! they taste super good and really gross at the same time). Really, what else could you ask for? A girlfriend NOTHING!   AT ALL!!

Can you tell I am trying to put off my homework? Its pretty impressive how much I can get done when I have something to do that I really don't want to do. and by 'get done' I mean stay on facebook without getting messaged by someone I don't actually want to talk to and g2g-ing out of there.

The only thing keeping me going is Haley Reinhart singing "Bennie and the Jets" Its phenom:
Holy Freaking goodness I love it so much. I hope my roommates don't mind as I listen to this 200 time in a row while  I write my 1250 word essay on Shakespeare.

Have some sympathy. We've all been there: night before an assignment is due and you think "yeah right that is not even a big deal i can whip it together in all of five seconds because I am gangster like that" but no because Microsoft Word emits this light that totally shuts off your brain and sends you subliminal messages to go the heck back online and waste your life away. That's why its so hard to concertrate when you write a paper. Its real. I read it online.

I've been writing this post for maybe six minutes and I already have more content on here than I do on my essay I have been hacking at for an hour.....

: (

So this has been my FAILED attempt to make my 5-page essay dissapear by spending another 10 minutes online. Maybe if I check facebook again...

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